Alan Titchmarsh shares the ‘simplest form’ of pruning for a ‘flush of blooms’

Lifestyle Fashion

When it comes to pruning plants “properly”, like flowering shrubs, Alan said gardeners need to know the time of year that the shrub flowers.

If it blooms in early spring, then it’s flowering on wood that grew last year which means the older wood needs to be taken out so the newer wood growing this year can carry flowers for next year.

When pruning spring-flowering shrubs, he suggested going over the whole plant and removing the old wood.

For summer-flowering shrubs, like buddleia, you don’t want to cut it when it’s coming into bloom – this needs cutting back in February and March.

Alan added: “If you’ve missed the right time just look for unhealthy stems – damaged or diseased – and cut these away and catch the right time next year.”

In late May, evergreen hedging can be cut back so it produces bushier growth later on.

Spring bulbs can also be deadheaded at this time of year so they last a little bit longer.

The “Chelsea Chop” can also be performed from the end of May to the beginning of June to coincide with the RHS Chelsea Flower Show.

This pruning method limits the size of the plant and helps to control when it flowers.

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