The dominant model of the universe is creaking

AT KITT PEAK National Observatory, in Arizona, a telescope has spent three years building a three-dimensional map of the heavens. In examining the light from tens of millions of galaxies, the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) may have found something astounding. DESI, as its name suggests, is a tool to investigate the nature of dark […]

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Only 5% of therapies tested on animals are approved for human use

Few students go into medical research dreaming of one day giving a mouse a tumour or heart disease to a rabbit. But animal experimentation of this kind has become fundamental to modern medicine. For regulatory bodies around the world, treatments that might save human lives must be proven safe and effective in animals with similar […]

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Zany ideas to slow polar melting are gathering momentum

Globally, sea levels have risen by somewhere between 21cm and 24cm since 1880. Most of this rise is a consequence of water physically expanding as it warms, but in recent decades meltwater flowing off Greenland and Antarctica has significantly contributed too. These rises in sea levels threaten coastal properties and the livelihoods and lifestyles of […]

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