Honda E, Company’s Electric Icon, Discontinued In Japan And Europe


Last Updated: December 19, 2023, 18:43 IST

Honda E, Company’s Electric Icon, Discontinued In Japan And Europe. (Photo: Honda)

Honda has officially ended production of its compact electric hatchback, the Honda E, due to declining demand and increased competition.

In a move that marks the end of an era for Honda, the Japanese automaker has ceased the production of its compact electric hatchback, Honda E, in Japan and Europe.

The new orders are no longer being accepted in many markets, and the company’s Japanese website has officially announced the discontinuation of the model, as reported by HT Auto. Furthermore, the production of the Honda E is scheduled to conclude in January 2024.

The model will be phased out once the existing production run is sold out, the company confirmed to Top Gear. Honda has decided to stop taking new orders, which is being seen as proof of the Honda E’s success. The car has achieved its goal of bringing in new customers to the brand and has played a crucial role in the company’s plan to electrify its entire mainstream European line-up by 2022.

Unveiled in 2019, the Honda E marked the automaker’s foray into dedicated battery electric vehicles, featuring a distinctive design and advanced technology. Built on a dedicated EV platform, the compact electric hatchback offered seating for up to four individuals and boasted a 37.5 kWh battery pack, providing a claimed range of up to 220 km on a single charge.

Despite its technological appeal, the Honda E faced challenges in the market, primarily attributed to its starting price of nearly €35,000 (approximately $AU60,000). The pricing, coupled with a driving range of 200km to 220km from a compact 35.5kWh battery pack, positioned the model alongside competitors offering greater space and range for similar prices.

The final European versions of the Honda E were priced close to €40,000, placing it in the same bracket as larger electric vehicles such as the Tesla Model 3, which offered two-and-a-half times more driving range.

In the two full years since its launch – 2021 and 2022 – Honda reportedly fell short of its annual target, selling approximately 5500 Honda e-hatchbacks in Europe, half of the anticipated 10,000 deliveries. While no specific reason has been provided for the discontinuation, industry speculation points towards declining demand and increased competition offering alternatives with more extensive range and space at similar price points.

Honda, however, reassures its commitment to electric mobility, having earlier unveiled the e:Ny1 SUV for European markets. The automaker has additional electric vehicle models in the pipeline, demonstrating continued dedication to advancing its electric vehicle programme despite bidding farewell to the Honda E.

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