How to remove wall stains without removing paint with 55p item, according to expert

Lifestyle Fashion

Any type of wall stains can be hard to remove and with Christmas just gone there may be residue left behind on walls caused by decorations.

According to the experts at Limitless Walls, removing sticker residue from your walls is a simple process with the right tools and preparation.

The first step is to protect the room and furniture. The room should be prepared like you would when painting. 

Move furniture away from walls to the centre of the room and cover both the furniture and flooring with drop cloths or tarps to protect them from any splattering of cleaning products.

The next step is to prepare the cleaning solution. While there are many products you can purchase to clean the residue, they tend to be expensive and possibly toxic.

Instead, the experts claimed that there are so many “tried and true methods” that you can use which are right in your own cabinet.

The pros have shared alternates that “will do the job inexpensively, safely, and well” – removing that pesky residue “without damaging your paint or wall” underneath.

They claimed that the “best solution” is to use a combination of dish soap and hot water. Mix some hot water with a few drops of washing-up liquid. 

Use a spray bottle or sponge and gently apply to a section of the wall. The experts said: “You will see the stains wipe away with ease without damaging the paint as it softens.”

Or, if using a spray bottle, carefully scrape with a putty knife or other flat object to remove the softened glue. For “a bit of extra oomph”, try adding a tablespoon of baking soda to your mixture.

Washing up liquid is something all households will have and it only sets you back 55p from Morrisons.

Another “effective” solution is to use a one-to-one ratio of white vinegar with warm water in a spray bottle and let it sit before wiping it away.

For a “more pleasant smelling solution”, try mixing one part liquid fabric softener with two parts water. 

This method also can be applied with a spray bottle or sponge, but just make certain to work in smaller sections as the fabric softener could stain the rest of the wall, leaving streaks.

For those who happen to have a clothing steamer on hand, this handy little gadget can also serve a dual purpose. 

Simply place the steamer near the sticker residue and let the steam soften the glue. Once softened, the sticky residue should just wipe away.

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