IPG Prevails in Lawsuit for American Veteran Shot by a Korean Police Officer

Legal Law

An IPG Legal attorney was quoted by the Korea Times in a case in which a U.S. Army Veteran was negligently shot by a Korean police officer. IPG Legal prevailed in obtaining a civil damages award and also persuading the Korean Prosecution to indict the police officer responsible for the injuries. For a prior article on this issue please see: American Shot by Korean Police Officer.

Attorney Jiwon MIN was quoted in the article.

“It is meaningful that the court acknowledged the government’s responsibility for the lasting physical and mental injuries suffered by Samberg. However, attributing fault to him for not being vigilant on the streets is difficult to understand. Anyone could have been a victim, as avoiding a stray bullet on the streets is impossible by simply observing one’s surroundings,” Min told The Korea Times.

In a separate criminal case, the police officer who fired the bullet, was indicted in May 2023 on charges of professional negligence resulting in injuries. A local court acquitted him in October, but prosecutors appealed the decision.

“What my client wants more than monetary compensation is a genuine apology from the government. His trauma has worsened since the court’s not-guilty verdict . . .” the lawyer said.

Korea Times, Court Orders State to Pay Damages to American Hit by Stray Bullet

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